Maize stands out as a highly productive forage crop, offering excellent high quality livestock feed at competitive prices and is straightforward to grow with correct site selection. It also offers farms an avenue for additional revenue as a feed source for livestock. As a break crop, maize can boost yields of subsequent cereal crops, thus benefiting crop rotations.

Maize Varieties suitable for planting in the open

  • Saxon
  • Scandinav
  • Ambition


Maize Varieties for planting under plastic

  • Saxon
  • Starlord
  • Scandinav
  • Lg 31207

maize cobAs Maize requires warm moist seedbed, it is best advised to wait until soil conditions are suitable for sowing to ensure good crop establishment. Sow when soil temperatures are 10oC or above.

Seed Rate will be approximately 100,000 seed per ha using a precision seeder. Fertiliser requirement is based on soil index so ensure you have an up to date soil test to apply the correct NPK balance for good crop growth.

Recommended List of Uncovered Forage Maize Varieties 2024

control varieties maize 2024


This Recommended List details varieties that are suitable for uncovered forage maize systems and should not be used as a basis to select varieties suitable for growing in covered systems.

Actual data is shown for the mean of the control varieties, and the relative data (as % of controls) is shown for all varieties with the exception of ME. The data is based on results of uncovered trials carried out over the period 2021 to 2023.


 Weed Control 

It is well known that maize is a poor competitor against weeds so ensure good weed control strategy is important. The application of pre emergence herbicides of Wing P, Stomp Aqua combined with a soil surfactant will give good levels of control. There may well be a follow up post emergence spray to tackle some late emerging weeds and possibly grass weed control. Continue to monitor for pests post emergence and crop establishment.