seed bulk bagsThere is exceptionally dry ground conditions around the country, something we are not accustomed to for this time of year. An incredible 14.6ml of rain was recorded for the month of January at Dublin Airport, the lowest in a very long time. Ploughing is well underway for spring crops, with a number of farmers having drilled spring beans already. Spring wheat will be next.




calculating N requireentAssess crops for weeds. There may be a need for a follow up herbicide to control broad leaved weeds. We have now passed the cut-off date for Astrokerb and Kerb. Apply Galera from March 1st for thistle, mayweed and cleaver control. If straw is to be baled, Salsa could be used. As we move into February and March, apply the balance of the P and K required. For Nitrogen, early N requirement will depend on the Green Area Index (GAI) of the crop. The majority of crops are currently sitting anywhere between 2 – 2.9. Target a GAI of 3.5 at flowering, for efficient solar capture and interception by the leaves. Going over this GAI at flowering will cause an over-production of pods, which will in fact reduce yields.
To achieve a GAI of 3.5, 175kg N is required, or 50kg per unit GAI. Backward crops (1.0 GAI) will require a mid – Feb N split. Ensure Sulphur is included with the Nitrogen, as rape has a high S requirement compared to cereals.


Crops have tillered very well with the mild conditions. Depending on variety, there are between 5 – 8 tillers currently. Aim to have up to 1,200 shoots/m2 for conventional varieties and 800 – 1000 shoots/m2 for hybrids. Herbicides need to be applied ASAP if not done so already.


Most wheat crops are very forward. Target 600 – 800 heads/m2. Weed size and field history will dictate herbicide choice going forward. Where brome is a concern, Pacifica or Broadway star are the products of choice. Apply herbicide ASAP if it was not applied already.


There is a lot of Mildew on oat crops at the moment. There has not been enough frosty mornings to keep the disease at bay. However, plant counts are well over 300 plants/m2 which is the ideal plant stand for high yields.

Teagasc Crop Costs and Returns for 2022 has been published, and is a valuable tool when planning for the year ahead. Make sure to have a read of this when planning for the year ahead.

If you have any queries please contact your local Drummonds Agronomist for further information.