OSR currently is the most profitable commodity crop and offers a range of benefits when farmers include it in a rotation with cereal crops, including Improvements in soil structure, weed control and yield of the subsequent cereal crop. OSR provides options for the control of problematic broad-leaved weeds and grass weeds and offers disease breaks. OSR has a strong tap root which can help improve soil structure.
When sowing OSR, it is important to get the basics correct: ensure pH is above 6.5, sow into a fine firm seed bed with good seed-soil contact from mid-august to the first week of September. To ensure an optimal establishment, incorporate the appropriate fertiliser to the seedbed based on up-to-date soil indices. Selecting a good variety is next.
Drummonds will be offering a range of the highest performing Oilseed Rape varieties to their growers for the 2024 growing season.
Sclerotinia is a soil borne fungal pathogen that affects a number of important crops – including OSR, potatoes, peas beans and carrots. It can survive in the soil for up to 8 years. It is the main disease to impact the OSR crop at the important flowering stage. It can be a major problem in a humid climate with extremely wet summer seasons, something we are becoming increasingly accustomed to. In severe infections, yield losses can be up to 50%. There are localised infections most years. For an infection to occur, it only requires 3 factors:
- Presence of sclerotinia resting spores
- Favourable weather conditions – long periods of relative humidity and air temperatures > 7°C at night
- OSR crop to be flowering
Sclerotinia life cycle:
There are a number of symptoms included with this disease. Symptoms of sclerotinia on the stem appear as bleached greyish white, or brownish with white fluffy fungal growth. Advanced infections have sclerotia (hard, black irregular shaped to rounded bodies) on the inside and bleached parts of the stem. In moist weather, sclerotia can also form on the outside of infected stems and roots. Pods can also become infected and will appear creamish white and seeds can be mouldy.
Sclerotinia found by our agronomists in the field. | |
- Soil – Ideal ph is between 6.5 to 7. If your ground is panned or suffers from compaction, a subsoiling should be considered before drilling
- Fertiliser should be placed /spread before drilling to ensure a quick establishment
- Target between 35/40 seeds per square meter when drilling in normal conditions at the right time. Increase the rate to 45 seeds in difficult conditions or if when drilling late.
- The TGW is a vital tool when calibrating the drill
- Aim to have a good soil to seed contact and also a fine and firm seedbed preferably rolled.
- Herbicides - there’s plenty of good options when considering herbicide application but the first most important thing is field history. Does your field suffer from problematic weeds such Charlock, Vol Rape, Runch and Mustard ? If so Clearfield technology is the way to go.
Clearfield Varieties
- It gives you the option to grow rape where Volunteer /weed Brassicas are a problem ie Charlock, Mustard, Vol Rape , Stubble Turnip and Runch
- Flexible Post Em herbicide spray timing which ensures optimum crop establishment
- Unaffected by establishment system
- Rapid emergence
What is Clearfield Technology
- Clearfield Varieties have specific tolerance to Cleranda
- Cleranda is a co-form of imazamox + metazachlor
- Rate of use is 2l/ha + Dash 1l/ha. ( Dash is an adjuvant).
- Cleranda works best when applied to small, actively growing weeds
- Needs to be applied to a dry leaf
- Avoid rain after application
- Spray windows can be comprised if left to the end of October
- Reminder Cleranda is an ALS herbicide so if you know a field with resistant weeds, do not apply - ie poppy and chickweed. Clearfield varieties may not be of benefit in this circumstance.